How a component works in simulation

The figure below shows the how a component work in simulation.

  1. State-A holds a performing component modeling perform-task of the operator, the name of the task and required time to fulfill it are also set into the component as properties. (See How to create scenario data Step.5)
  2. All components will generate an event named “OK” when the task is completed in Simulation.
  3. The event handler for the event is already placed on the transition line from State-A to State- B. (See How to create scenario data Step.4) So,the state transition from State-A to State-B will be made.
  4. The simulator start to do the moving-task placed on State-B.

When the interaction simulator drives the “State Chart Diagram”, completing the working-task at State-A, “State Chart Diagram” will make transition from State-A to State-B by the Actor Internal event handler named “OK@OpenValve” and start to do the moving-task placed on State-B.


about component


In the State Chart Diagram of “DiD Risk Monitor”,  event handler should be expressed as “EventName”@”Generate Place Name of the Event” in this system.